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报告 | 爱马仕丝绸供应链对生物多样性的影响

时间:2022-08-26 来源:


Executive Summary


Hermès is committed to sustainable development and biodiversity conservation. Silk is a key resource for Hermès and its production reflects the Company’s sustainability ethos. Silk is a renewable, biodegradable resource.


The silk sourced for Hermès is produced in Brazil, the world’s most biodiverse country. Hermès has committed to including biodiversity in its global development strategy, contributing towards internationally agreed biodiversity objectives. This report looks at the Company’s silk supply chain, considering positive and negative environmental impacts with a focus on losses and gains for biodiversity. The three main components of silk production considered are mulberry cultivation, silkworm rearing and silk processing. Positive steps already taken to mitigate negative impacts are noted. Recommendations are made that support the values, processes of innovation and commitment to dialogue with stakeholders that are synonymous with Hermès.


Silk production takes place in the southern part of the Atlantic Forest region of Brazil which extends overall from the Brazilian northeast to northern Argentina and Paraguay. The Atlantic Forest is a global biodiversity hotspot. The rich forest vegetation has been extensively cleared over the past five hundred years but habitats for iconic species of plants and animals remain. There is now a comprehensive legal framework for biodiversity conservation in the region. Native species diversity is dependent on both legally protected areas and the forest fragments that remain within the agricultural landscape. Carefully managed silk production can support the conservation of biodiversity within the region.


Hermès local partner, the only silk export company in Brazil, is a signatory to the UN Global Compact. It applies environmental standards of excellence to its integrated production and supply chain. Contracts with silk producers specify environmental requirements in line with National and State legislation. Additional environmental guidance and advice are provided by the Company on a regular basis.





Nature is declining at unprecedented rates with 1 million species threatened with extinction. Protecting and restoring nature is fundamental not only to global economic prosperity, but to the health and wellbeing of society.


The silk production system is of relatively low environmental impact, especially when compared to neighbouring agricultural activities such as soy and sugarcane.



The growth of silkworms depends on a diet exclusively based on the leaves of the mulberry tree. Mulberry plantations sequester carbon, prevent erosion and help regenerate the soil. Far fewer agrochemicals are used in mulberry cultivation especially compared to the surrounding farmland where soybeans and sugarcane are grown.



Waste from mulberry cultivation and silkworm rearing is largely recycled within the production system. Virtually every piece of the cocoon as well as other co-products of the silk industry are used, for everything from fish food to fabric. Such circularity reduces the demand for raw materials, which means that more space can be left for nature.


We consider that silk production in Brazil can be celebrated for its positive environmental benefits. However, there is still potential to create greater benefits for the biodiversity that persists in the fragmented Atlantic Forest region.


